Famous Wing Chun Students

Bruce Lee
Bruce Lee studied Wing Chun. Unfortunately, he was not able to complete his studies due to moving to the United States. Many ideas from Wing Chun such as the intercepting fist, speed, timing and efficiency are included in Jeet Kun Do.

Christian Bale
Christian Bale, who is the star of Batman, is also a Wing Chun Kung-Fu martial artist.

Jackie Chan
Jackie Chan trained under GrandMaster Leung Ting in Wing Chun in the late 70′ & early 80’s. He demonstrates his skill with the wooden dummy in the movie “Rumble in the Bronx.”

Nicholas Cage
Nicholas Cage who stars in such popular movies as “Kick Ass,” “Leaving Las Vegas” and the “Sorcerer’s Apprentice” is a also a student of wing chun.

Robert Downey Jr.
Robert Downey Jr. has been practicing Wing Chun for almost seven years. He said that in Wing Chun: “Don’t fight force with force; use both hands at the same time; concentrate on your own thing; . . . effect the balance, look for openings, look for arms to be crossed.”

Michelle Yeoh
Michelle Yeoh who is the famous actress in such popular movies as Hidden Tiger Crouching Dragon studies Wing Chun.